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TOBACCO LICENSING Source: Ord. 2014-19, Sec. 1 (2014) SECTIONS:
10-0501. Definitions.
10-0502. License Required.
10-0503. Prohibited Sales.
10-0504. Administrative Remedies.
10-0505. Criminal Penalties.

1. E-CIGARETTE, ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE, OR ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICE. Any electronic oral device, such as one composed of a heating element and battery or electronic circuit, or both, which provides a vapor of nicotine or any other substances, and the use or inhalation of which simulates smoking. The term shall include any such device, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as an ecigarette, e-cigar, or e-pipe, or under any other product, name or descriptor, and also includes any cartridge or other component of the device.

2. INDIVIDUALLY-PACKAGED TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Any package containing only one individually-wrapped tobacco product. This definition includes, but is not limited to, single packs of cigarettes, single bags of tobacco product for rolling, and individual cans of tobacco product for chewing or sniffing.

3. PROBATIONARY PERIOD. A period of 12 months for a violation which is not within any period of probation already established by a violation of any of this section, which 12 months shall be defined as commencing on the date of the said first offense and shall extend for 12 consecutive months thereafter. If any subsequent offenses occur within the said 12-month period, the
probationary period for any such subsequent offense shall extend for either the same 12 consecutive months from the date of the first offense, as described above, or for a period of 6 months from the date of the subsequent offense, whichever period would expire later. For purposes of this section, an offense is deemed to have occurred when the offense is committed, and not the
date of judgment or conviction.

4. SELF-SERVICE MERCHANDISING. Any open display of tobacco products to which the public has access without the intervention of an employee of the retail establishment.

5. TOBACCO PRODUCTS. Any product that is made from or derived from tobacco, which contains nicotine or a similar substance, and is intended for human consumption or is likely to be consumed, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to, a cigarette, a cigar, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, ecigarette, electronic cigarette, or an electronic smoking device. Tobacco product also includes pipes and rolling papers, but does not include any product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for legal sale as a tobacco cessation product and is being marketed and sold solely for that approved purpose.

6. VENDING MACHINE. Any mechanical, electric, or electronic device which, upon insertion of money, tokens, or any other form of payment, dispenses tobacco products.

10-0502. LICENSE REQUIRED. No person or entity shall directly or indirectly, or by means of any device, keep for retail sale, sell at retail, or otherwise dispense any tobacco products within the City of Harwood without a City of Harwood tobacco product dealer's license. Any person or entity that has a state license for the sale of tobacco products issued pursuant to Chapter 57-36 of the North Dakota Century Code shall automatically be deemed to have a license issued by the City of Harwood for the sale of tobacco products without the need for an application to the City or any action of the City of Harwood. As long as the person or entity has a state license issued under Chapter 57-36 for the sale of tobacco products, they shall be deemed to have a license from the City of Harwood for the sale of tobacco products, unless and until the City license is suspended or revoked pursuant to this chapter. There shall be no fee for the municipal license.


1. No person or entity shall sell, offer for sale, give away or deliver any tobacco product to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years.

2. No person shall sell or dispense any tobacco product through the use of a vending machine except as follows:

a. A vending machine may be used to dispense tobacco products in an area within a factory, business, office or other place not open to the general public or to which persons under eighteen (18) years of age are not generally permitted access.

b. A vending machine may be used to dispense tobacco products on the premises of a licensed on-sale or off-sale intoxicating liquor establishment, including club licenses. Provided, however, that if an on-sale licensed premises is also a restaurant, a vending machine located in a portion of the premises in which minors are allowed must be operable only by activation of an electronic switch operated by an employee of the establishment before each sale, or by insertion of tokens provided by an employee of the establishment before each sale.

3. No person shall sell or dispense any tobacco product through the use of self-service merchandising methods or displays.


1. ADMINISTRATIVE FINE, SUSPENSION, OR REVOCATION. Any violation of the City's regulations relating to the issuance of tobacco products' license or of any conditions/restrictions attached to the issuance of such license shall be cause for the imposition of an administrative fine, license suspension, and/or license revocation. If the violation relates to the sale of tobacco products to minors by a licensee or licensee's employees, the following administrative suspensions, or revocations shall be imposed:

a. The first such violation shall subject licensee to a written warning.

b. The second violation within the probationary period shall subject licensee to a 3-day suspension of the license.

c. The third violation within the probationary period shall subject licensee to a 10-day suspension of the license.

d. Subsequent violations within the probationary period shall subject licensee to a 30-day license suspension.

e. If any sale of tobacco products occurs on licensee's premises during a period of suspension, the license shall be suspended for the full probationary period.

f. For purposes of establishing the number of offenses committed by a licensee, the licensee is deemed to have committed only one offense during any 24-hour day.

2. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING/WAIVER. Upon receipt of information indicating that a license violation has occurred, the City Auditor or his designee shall send a license violation notice to licensee by certified mail. The license violation notice shall indicate the nature of the violation and whether such violation will result in an administrative fine, license suspension, or license
revocation. If the proposed disposition includes a license suspension, revocation, or fine, the notice shall also indicate that licensee has the option of requesting a hearing before the City Council prior to the license suspension, revocation, or imposition of fine, or waiving such hearing and accepting the disposition described in the license violation notice. The licensee shall file a written request for a hearing within ten (10) days of the date specified in the license violation notice, or licensee shall be deemed to have waived its right to a hearing. Upon receipt of a hearing request, the City Auditor or his designee shall schedule a hearing before the City Council at the earliest opportunity and shall send a hearing notice to licensee by certified mail.

3. CLERK PENALTIES. Any employee of a license holder who is in violation of the restriction attached to a tobacco product license shall be subject to an administrative fine of Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($50.00).


1. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation violating the terms of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court. Provisions of Section 1-0807 shall also apply. Such a penalty should be in addition to the authority of the City
Council to suspend or revoke a license pursuant to Section 10-0504.