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11-0301. Animal Noises.

11-0302. Habitually Barking, Crying or Howling Animal Declared Public Nuisance.

11-0303. Habitually Barking, Crying or Howling Animal - Procedure for Complaint. 

11-0304. Animal Nuisances.

11-0305. Poisonous Animals.


11-0301. ANIMAL NOISES. No person shall keep within the City any animal which by loud and frequent barking, howling, yelping or other animal noises disturbs the peace and quiet or annoys any citizens. 1

1-0302. HABITUALLY BARKING, CRYING OR HOWLING ANIMAL DECLARED PUBLIC NUISANCE. No person shall keep or harbor any animal which habitually barks, cries or howls. Any such animals which habitually bark, cry or howl are hereby declared to be a public nuisance. “Habitual barking, crying or howling” shall be defined as barking, howling or crying for repeated intervals of at least three minutes with less than one minutes of interruption. Such barking, crying or howling must be audible off of the owner or keepers premises.

11-0303. HABITUALLY BARKING, CRYING OR HOWLING ANIMALPROCEDURE FOR COMPLAINT. Any person desiring to sign a complaint against the owner of a habitually barking, crying or howling animal must contact law enforcement and state his or her name, address, and facts supporting the alleged nuisance. Law enforcement, upon receipt of a sufficient complaint, shall then notify the person owning, harboring, or keeping the animal that a complaint has been received and that such nuisance must be abated within forty-eight (48) hours, and remain abated for a period of two (2) months. Notice shall be sufficient for purposes of this section if the alleged violator is informed orally of the complaint or if notice of the complaint is posted upon a door of the residence where the alleged violation occurred.

11-0304. ANIMAL NUISANCES. The following conditions are hereby declared to be nuisances within the meaning of this title, and no person having ownership or custody of any animal described herein shall:

1. Fail to prohibit any animal from interfering with people, automobiles or bicycles on streets or sidewalks.

2. Fail to prohibit any animal from destroying, defacing or damaging shrubbery, lawns, flowers, gardens or other property.

3. Keep any animal which kills or injures any person or domestic animal.

4. Fail to confine any female animal in heat in a closed building so that such animal cannot come into contact with another animal except for planned and supervised breeding.

5. Allow the accumulation of excrement or other waste materials from an animal which result in foul or noxious odors that are offensive to surrounding residents.

11-0305. POISONOUS ANIMALS. No person shall keep or possess within the City any poisonous animal, reptile, amphibian, fish, insect or any other animal that poses a threat to the public health and safety. Such animal may be impounded by law enforcement and disposed of in the manner determined to be in the best interest of the public health and safety.



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