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12-0501. Criminal Mischief.
12-0502. Tampering with or Damaging Property of Public Service.
12-0503. Defense of Consent - Property of Another.
12-0504. Criminal Trespass.
12-0505. Registration in Public Schools.
12-0501. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF. A person is guilty of an offense if he:

1. Willfully tampers with tangible property of another so as to endanger person or property; or

2. Willfully damages tangible property of another. Conduct is punishable as criminal mischief under this ordinance when any pecuniary loss if intentionally caused is not in excess of one hundred dollars; if recklessly caused is not in excess of two thousand dollars; and if the damage to tangible property of another are not by means of an explosive or a destructive devise.

12-0502. TAMPERING WITH OR DAMAGING PROPERTY OF PUBLIC SERVICE. A person is guilty of an offense if he negligently causes a substantial interruption or impairment of a public communication, transportation, supply of water, gas, power, or other public service by:

1. Tampering with or damaging the tangible property of another;

2. Incapacitating an operator of such service; or

3. Negligently damaging the tangible property of another by fire, explosive, or other dangerous means.

12-0503. DEFENSE OF CONSENT - PROPERTY OF ANOTHER. For prosecutions of criminal mischief under Section 12-0501 or tampering with or damaging a public service under Section 12-0502:

1. Whenever it is an element of the offense that the property is of another, it is a defense to a prosecution under those sections that the other has consented to the actor's conduct with respect to the property.

2. Property is that "of another" if anyone other than the actor has a possessory or proprietary interest therein.

12-0504. CRIMINAL TRESPASS. A person is guilty of an offense if:

1. Knowing that he is not licensed or privileged to do so, he enters or remains in any place as to which notice against trespass is given by actual communication to the actor by the person in charge of the premises or other authorized person or by posting in a manner reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders; but the name of the person posting the premises must appear on each sign in legible characters; or

2. He remains upon the property of another after being requested to leave the property by a duly authorized person; but if the place entered is a building, occupied structure, storage structure or separately secured or occupied portion thereof or is so enclosed as to manifestly exclude intruders or the person committing this offense has previously been convicted or pled guilty to a criminal trespass within two years from the date of the commission of this offense, then the offense shall be a Class A Misdemeanor and not within the purview of this ordinance.

12-0505. REGISTRATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. During such time as regularly scheduled classes are in session, no person shall enter or remain in any public elementary or secondary school building within the City of Harwood without first registering in the main office of said school; provided, however, this section shall not apply to members of the School Board of the Harwood School
District, faculty and employees of the Harwood School District, and students enrolled in that school. Reasonable notification of the requirements of this section shall be conspicuously posted at the entrance to every public elementary and secondary school within the City of Harwood, and no complaint for a violation of this section shall issue unless such notice is given.