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2-0201. Supervision of Construction.
2-0202. Pipes and Conduits in Streets: Prevention of Leaks.
2-0203. Pipes and Conduits in Streets: Repair of Breaks.
2-0204. Superintendent of Streets to Notify Owner of Leak.
2-0205. Failure of Owner to Repair.
2-0206. Construction of Sewer, Vault, Cellar, Cistern or Well
in Street - Permit.
2-0207. Excavation in Streets: Permit.
2-0201. SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION. Whenever any public streets are constructed in the City of Harwood, such construction shall be under the supervision of the City Engineer.

2-0202. PIPES AND CONDUITS IN STREETS: PREVENTION OF LEAKS. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation forcing, transmitting or conveying water or gas through pipes or other conduits which have heretofore been, or shall be hereafter, laid in any street, alley or public ground in the City of Harwood, to prevent the public use of such street, alley or public ground from being or becoming in any way impaired, obstructed, injured or rendered dangerous or offensive by the escape of water or gas into or upon said street, alley or public ground, out of said pipes or conduits.

2-0203. PIPES AND CONDUITS IN STREETS: REPAIR OF BREAKS. In case any such pipe or conduit shall break out or burst so that water or gas shall escape from the same into or upon any such street, alley or public ground in said City, it shall be the duty of any person, firm or corporation forcing, transmitting or conveying water or gas through the same, within twenty-four (24) hours after having received notice or knowledge of the escaping water or gas therefrom as aforesaid, to commence and diligently prosecute the repair of said pipe or other conduit, in case such pipe or other conduit is owned by such person, firm or corporation, and if such, pipe or other conduit is not owned by such person, firm or corporation, such person, firm or corporation shall immediately shut off the water or gas therefrom until same is repaired.

2-0204. CITY AGENT TO NOTIFY OWNER OF LEAK. It shall be the duty of the City Agent, upon discovery of the fact that water or gas is escaping from any pipe or other conduit, used as aforesaid, into or upon any street, alley or public ground, to immediately notify the person, firm or corporation forcing, transmitting or conveying water or gas through the same, of such escape.

2-0205. FAILURE OF OWNER TO REPAIR. In case any person, firm or corporation forcing, transmitting or conveying water or gas through any pipe or other conduit laid in any street, alley or public ground of the City of Harwood shall neglect or refuse to repair the same, in case it is owned by such person, firm or corporation, or to shut the water or gas off therefrom in case it is not owned by such person, firm or corporation, then the City Agent, under the direction of the City Engineer of the said City, shall forthwith proceed to repair said pipe or other conduit, and the cost shall be recovered by the City in an action for that purpose from such person, firm or corporation. Provided, that the foregoing provision shall not apply to any water mains or service pipes which are owned or under the control of the City of Harwood and under the supervision of the City Agent.

2-0206. CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER, VAULT, CELLAR, CISTERN OR WELL IN STREET - PERMIT. No person shall construct, or cause to be constructed or made, any sewer, vault, cellar, cistern or well in any of the streets or public places of the City without the express authority from the City Engineer.

2-0207. EXCAVATION IN STREETS: PERMIT. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to open up or make any excavation in or upon any street or alley in the City of Harwood, for any purpose, without first having obtained a permit so to do as provided in Chapter 2-03 of the ordinances of the City of Harwood.