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5-0301. Permit Required.
5-0302. Permit Application.
5-0303. Information Contained for Permit Application.
5-0304. Building Permit Required.
5-0305. House-Mover's License - Requirements.
5-0306. Removal of Overhead Wires and Cables - Notice.
5-0307. Removal of Attached Wires, Cables and Pipes.
5-0308. Building in Street - Warning Light Required.
5-0309. Equipment in Street - Lights Required.
5-0301. PERMIT REQUIRED. No person shall move, remove, raise or support free of its foundation, any building or structure within the limits of the City of Harwood, or cause or hire said work to be done, or assist in said work, unless a permit for said work has been obtained from the City of Harwood in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

5-0302. PERMIT APPLICATION. No permit to move, remove, raise or support free of its foundation, any building or structure within the limits of the City of Harwood shall be issued until written application for permit has been filed with the City Engineer on forms provided by the City of Harwood, and the application for permit has been approved by the City Auditor. The City Auditor in granting a moving permit may condition the permit upon the applicant meeting certain conditions such as having a licensed mover move the building, time limits in which the building must be moved, routes that must be followed, posting a bond, and any other similar conditions as deemed advisable by the City Auditor. Any person denied a moving permit or contesting any conditions placed on the permit, may appeal to the City Council, who shall review the permit and its conditions at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

5-0303. INFORMATION CONTAINED FOR PERMIT APPLICATION. Written application for permit to move, remove, raise or support free of its foundation any building or structure within the limits of the City of Harwood shall contain the following information concerning the building or structure to be moved, removed, raised
or supported:

1. Date of application.
2. Name and address of applicant for permit.
3. Name and address of owner of building.
4. Name and address of person, firm or corporation the applicant for permit will employ to do the moving.
5. Size of building or structure.
6. Age and general description of building or structure.
7. Location of building or structure at time of making application.
8. Proposed new location for building or structure.
9. Route or road along which it is proposed to move the building or structure from present location to proposed new location.
10. Condition of building or structure at time application is made for permit.
11. How long the moving of building or structure is expected to take and when moving is expected to be completed if permit is granted.
12. What changes in condition of building or structure will be made after building or structure is moved to proposed new location, and when these changes will be completed.

5-0304. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRED. No moving permit shall be granted to a structure being moved into the city limits of the City of Harwood unless and until the applicant also receives a building permit from the Building Administrator.

5-0305. HOUSE-MOVER'S LICENSE - REQUIREMENTS. The City Auditor may require as a condition to the approval of application for permit and issuance of permit under this chapter that the moving be done only by one holding a license for the moving of buildings and structures within the City of Harwood. No such license shall be granted until the person applying therefor shall have paid to the City Auditor a license fee of Five Dollars ($5.00), and shall have given a surety bond payable to the City in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), on a form satisfactory to the City Auditor, and conditioned, among other things, that said party will pay any and all damages which may be caused to any property, either public or private, within the City, whether said damages or injury be inflicted by said party, his employees, agents or workmen; and conditioned also that said party will save and indemnify and keep harmless the said City against all liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against the City in consequence of the granting of such license, and will in all things strictly comply with the provisions of this chapter
and with the conditions of any and all permits which may be issued hereunder to said house-mover or one employing him. Upon the execution of such bond, and its acceptance by the City Auditor, the "house-mover's" license for the moving of buildings and structures within the City of Harwood shall be issued. All such licenses shall expire one (1) year from date of issue.


1. In every case in which a permit shall be issued as herein provided for the removal of any house or structure, when such removal requires the displacement of any overhead electrical or other wire or cable, it shall be the duty of the person, association or corporation owning, operating or controlling such wire or cable to remove or displace the same as far as may be necessary to permit the removal of such house, building or structure.

2. The person to whom a removal permit shall have been issued shall notify the person, association or corporation owning, operating or controlling such wire or cable, to remove or displace the same to facilitate the removal of said house, building or structure and shall exhibit to said person, association or corporation the properly issued permit authorizing the removal of said house, building or structure, and it shall thereupon be the duty of said person, association or corporation, within a reasonable time, not exceeding twenty-four (24) hours thereafter to remove or displace such wires or cables sufficiently to allow the passage of said house, building or structure.

5-0307. REMOVAL OF ATTACHED WIRES, CABLES AND PIPES. The person to whom a removal permit has been issued shall, before raising, moving or removing any building or structure to which electric wires are attached, notify the persons, associations or corporations owning or controlling such electric wiring, cables or piping of the proposed moving of said building or structure. The
person, association or corporation so notified shall within a reasonable time, not exceeding twenty-four (24) hours, thereafter, disconnect and make safe all such electric wiring, cables or piping.

5-0308. BUILDING IN STREET - WARNING LIGHT REQUIRED. When any building or structure is being moved across or through any street or alley, a warning light must be in operation at each
corner of such building or structure, from sunset to sunrise.

5-0309. EQUIPMENT IN STREET - LIGHTS REQUIRED. All ropes, blocks, winches, windlasses, or other equipment used in the moving of said building or structure must, when obstructing the free use of a street or alley, be protected by suitable warning lights from sunset to sunrise.