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7-0101. Definitions.
7-0102. Scope of Title.
7-0103. Minimum Requirements.
7-0104. Emergency Repairs.
7-0105. Certificate of Authority Required.
7-0106. Standards Adopted.
7-0107. Modifications of International Mechanical Code.
7-0101. DEFINITIONS. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this title, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section except where the context clearly indicates a
different meaning:

1. "Person" includes any individual, firm, partnership, joint adventure, association, corporation, estate, receiver, or any other group or combination acting as a unit, and the plural as well as the singular number; their agents, employees and representatives.

2. "Building Inspector" means the Building Inspector of the City of Harwood and his authorized assistants.

3. "Heating and Air-Conditioning Plant" includes any heating or air-conditioning plant or system and the component parts thereof (except combustion units as defined in Paragraph 4 of this section) including but not limited to steam boilers, hot water boilers and warm air furnaces.

4. "Combustion Unit" includes any stoker, oil burner, oil burning equipment, gas burner, gas burning equipment, conversion burner, or incinerator and their component parts.

5. "Cooling System" is all of that equipment intended or installed for the purpose of cooling air by mechanical means and discharging such air through ducts into any room or space. This definition shall not include any evaporative cooler.

7-0102. SCOPE OF TITLE. This title shall govern the construction, installation, alteration, maintenance and repair of all heating and air-conditioning plants; chimney flues, combustion units, gas burners, gas burner equipment and appliances; and gasoline stoves installed in or for all buildings within the City of Harwood, North Dakota, as well as for any area within the extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction of the City, except that the owner-occupant of any single family dwelling may, with the assistance of members of his family and household, personally perform any work governed by this title, but before doing the same shall obtain a permit therefor from the Building Inspector and pass inspection as hereinafter provided.

7-0103. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. The provisions of this title shall be held to be minimum requirements adopted for the protection of the health, welfare and safety of the community.

7-0104. EMERGENCY REPAIRS. In case of emergency, repair work may be proceeded without first obtaining the permit hereinafter required. Application for such permit shall be made within
24 hours after repairs are commenced, Sundays and holidays excepted. This Section shall not be construed to limit the right of Otter Tail Power Company and its authorized employees to render
necessary services.

7-0105. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY REQUIRED. Except as is otherwise provided in Section 7-0102 and Section 7-0104 of this title, no person shall engage in or carry on the construction,
installation, alteration, maintenance and repair of heating and air-conditioning plants and combustion units and gas burners, gas burner equipment and appliances within the City of Harwood, or
advertise, hold-out or otherwise represent himself as being qualified to perform such work without first securing and continuing in force a "Certificate of Authority" as hereinafter prescribed in this title.

7-0106. STANDARDS ADOPTED. The following standards are hereby adopted for all heating, air conditioning and other gas, oil, or coal consuming appliances within the City limits of Harwood, as well as for any area within the extraterritorial zoning
jurisdiction of the City.

1. All heating, air conditioning, or other gas, oil, or coal consuming appliances for either domestic or commercial use installed in the City of Harwood shall bear a seal of approval from the American Gas Association, American Standards Association, Underwriters Laboratories, or other nationally recognized testing laboratory.

2. The provisions of the International Mechanical Code, sponsored by the International Conference of Building Officials, 2003 edition, as the same are now established in said code, is hereby adopted as the Mechanical Code. Any amendments to the 2003 edition of the International Mechanical Code may be adopted by the City by resolution.

3. The following standards of the National Fire Prevention Association are hereby adopted as part of this code:

A. NFPA No. 31, 2003 edition, for the installation of oil burning equipment; and

B. The provisions of the rules and regulations of the 2003 edition adopted in subsection A are those that are now established in said code. Any amendment to that code may be adopted by resolution by the City Council.

7-0107. MODIFICATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE. The International Mechanical Code as adopted in Section 7-0106(2) is hereby changed and amended to read as follows:

1. Chapter 1 - Administration, Part III-Permits and Inspections. Sections 115.2, 115.3 and 115.3.2 are hereby changed and amended to read as follows: SECTION 115 - FEES 115.1 General. Fees shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of this section or shall be as set forth in the fee schedule adopted by this jurisdiction. 115.2 Permit Fees. The fee for each permit
shall be as set forth by resolution of the Harwood City Council. 115.3 Plan Review Fees. When a plan or other data are required to be submitted by Section 113.2, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. The plan review fees for mechanical work shall be equal to 25 percent of the total permit fee as set forth in Section 115.2. 115.3.2 Incomplete or changed plans. When plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Section 115.2.