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9-0101. Water and Sewer Service Connection, Repairs and
Rates for Water and Sewer. (Ord. 2009-9, Sec. 1)
9-0102. Water Service Connection - Permit Required.
9-0103. Water Service Connection - Who May Make - Cost.
9-0104. Water Service - Construction and Maintenance by
9-0105. Curb Cocks.
9-0106. Water Meters Required.
9-0107. Water Rates and Charges - Liability For.
9-0108. Garbage Service.
9-0109. Penalty.
9-0101. WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION, REPAIRS AND RATESFOR WATER AND SEWER. The City Council of the City of Harwood shall, by resolution, establish the procedure and cost for connection to water and sewer lines in the City of Harwood, set the monthly charges for water and sewer service, and set out the City’s and customer’s responsibilities for repairs to water and sewer lines. Source: Ord. 2009-9, Sec. 1 (2009)

9-0102. WATER SERVICE CONNECTION - PERMIT REQUIRED. Plumbers shall first secure a permit from the City before making any connection with a main, and no plumber or other person shall make any attachment or connection to a main to serve premises other than the premises describe described in the permit.

1. No permit shall be issued for the making of any connection between any water or sewer lines in any property which has not previously been benefitted by existing water and/or sewer lines, or whenever the owner of such property has not been assessed for such water and sewer facilities, unless and until such person shall have paid or made a written agreement with the City to pay in monthly installments within a maximum of five years an amount of money as may be thereafter determined by the City Council. Such amount shall be based upon the area served and the benefit resulting to the property involved. Within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of such application, the City Council shall determine the amount of money required to be paid before such connection shall be made and shall advise the applicant property owner of such determination. All such monies paid in and received pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall be placed in the water and sewer utility fund and shall be expended in accordance with the purpose of such fund.

2. No permit shall be issued for the making of any connection between any water main of the City and any property of which any special water main assessment taxes are delinquent.

3. No connection shall be made except under the direct supervision of the Water Superintendent.

4. Any connection made without prior inspection by the Water Superintendent shall be subject to excavation.

9-0103. WATER SERVICE CONNECTION - WHO MAY MAKE - COST. All taps or connections to the water mains shall be made under the supervision of the Water Superintendent. The fee for such taps shall be established by resolution of the City Council and all taps shall be paid for before made. Should a tap be made without the supervision of the Water Superintendent, the City Council will impose a fine established by resolution of the City Council and excavation will be necessary to expose the tap for inspection by the Water Superintendent.

9-0104. WATER SERVICE - CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BY OWNER. The cost of original installation of all plumbing between the main and any service devices maintained by the consumer and all extensions made to such plumbing, as well as repairs, shall be borne entirely by the consumer, although such plumbing and services as well as the meters shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection by duly authorized representatives of the City. Any repairs found to be necessary by such representatives shall be made promptly, or the City will discontinue service. All services shall be constructed by licensed plumbers at the owner’s expense, and each service shall be maintained by the owner. Services heretofore acquired by the issuance of special assessment warrants and assessed against the property, or which may be acquired in the future in like manner, shall likewise be maintained by the owner. Services means the service line running from the point of connection with the City main to owner’s premises.

9-0105. CURB COCKS. There shall be a curb cock in every service line attached to the water mains, the same to be placed as near as possible to the curb if on a street, or within one (1) foot
of the alley line if the main is located in the alley. Curb cocks shall be supplied with strong suitable “T” handles and shall be enclosed in a substantial iron case covered with a tight fitting iron lid with the letter “W” cast upon it. There shall be one or more stops and waste cocks attached to every supply pipe at some point between the curb cock and the meter so that the water can be shut off and the meter and the house plumbing entirely drained. There shall be another such stop and waste cock in the pipe on the house side of the meter.


1. No person, firm or corporation shall take water from the water mains of the City except when drawn through a water meter as provided herein.

2. Meters for residences shall be furnished by the City at no charge to the customer. Each separate residence shall also require a remote reader and the installation and cost of said remote reader shall be paid by the owner. The Water Superintendent shall inspect all residential installations. No installations shall be made except under the direct supervision of the Water Superintendent. Any installation made without prior inspection by the Water Superintendent shall be subject to removal and fine.

3. All commercial and industrial water users shall purchase and install their own meters. The Water Superintendent shall inspect all such installations.


1. Owners of premises where water is supplied shall notify the City when a tenant moves from his premises, and such notification shall be made prior to the date of moving. In the event any said tenant moves from said premises to other premises in the City, and is there supplied with water, he shall be liable for the water used at his former residence up to the time of moving, and the Water Superintendent shall take such measures to enforce the collection of such water bills as are provided for in the case of non-payment of other water bills. In the event any said tenant moves away from the City or moves to some place within the City where he is not directly supplied by the City with water and refuses or neglects to pay said bills within fifteen (15) days after notice thereof, then and in that event the owner of the property for which said bill was rendered shall be liable for the same, and the Water Superintendent shall take such measures to enforce collection of such water bill as are provided for in the case of non-payment of other water bills.

2. The owner or owners of all real property in the City furnished with water service or service line repairs shall be responsible for the payment of any and all such charges regardless of who the occupant or tenant of any property may be. Upon the request of the owner or owners, the Water Superintendent shall bill the occupant or tenant for such charges, but if such charges are not
paid when due by the occupant or tenant, the owner or owners shall be responsible for such charges.

9-0108. GARBAGE SERVICE. Any person with water service requesting not to have garbage picked up at the water connected address should notify the City Auditor, at which time the City
Auditor will notify the waste company hired not to pick up any garbage from the person requesting this said item. Any person with water service with no garbage pick up will be
responsible for the removal of any garbage without use of the City dumpsters or another resident’s curbside pick up place.

9-0109. PENALTY. A violation of this chapter may be punishable as an infraction as set forth in Section 1-0211 of these ordinances.