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Harwood contracts with Cass County Vector Control for the annual mosquito fight who diligently work to monitor and control the local population.  Individual homeowners can help reduce the numbers by taking time to locate and treat standing water and potential breeding sites in the back yards and ditches.  The city has a limited supply of larvae killing mosquito “dunks” or “donuts” available at the city office for Harwood city residents at no charge.  Dunks will be left in the entryway to the office that will be kept unlocked for your convenience after hours.  They come with several on each card and resident are asked to please not take a whole card but only as many as needed.  Each dunk treats 100 sq. ft. for 30 days. 

The city provides free to Harwood residents a limited supply of larvae killing mosquito “dunks” or “donuts” available at the office.  These can be placed in ditches with standing water in low-lying areas, ornamental pools and other problem areas in yards.  Each dunk treats 100 sq. ft. for 30 days. 

Mosquito control starts at home....

Eliminate all standing water on your property. Don't forget to remind your neighbors, too.  Their mosquitoes may also be your mosquitoes. Many mosquito problems in your neighborhood are likely to come from water¬filled containers. All mosquitoes require water in which to breed. Be sure to drain any standing water around your house.
• Fill in or drain puddles and ruts in your yard.  Even the smallest of containers that can collect water can breed hundreds to thousands of mosquitoes. They don't need much water to lay their eggs. (bottles, barrels, buckets, overturned garbage can lids, etc.)
• Dispose of any tires. Tires can breed thousands of mosquitoes.
• Clear roof gutters of debris.
• Clean pet water dishes regularly.
• Check and empty children’s toys.
• Repair leaky outdoor faucets.
• Change the water in bird baths and plant pots at least once a week.
• Canoes, boats, and wading pools should be turned over.
• Avoid water collecting on pool covers.
• Plug tree holes and stumps.
• Empty water collected in tarps around the yard or on woodpiles.

Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing. Some of the 176 mosquito species are attracted to dark clothing and some can bite through tight¬fitting clothes. When practical, wear protective clothing such as long pants and long sleeve shirts when outdoors.


• Avoid shaded areas where mosquitoes may be resting.  If possible, schedule your activities to avoid the times when mosquitoes are most active – usually dawn and dusk.
• If you have a deck or patio, light it using General Electric yellow “Bug Lights”. These lights are not repellant, per se, but do not attract mosquitoes like other incandescent lights. 
• Put some water in a white dinner plate and add a couple drops of Lemon Fresh Joy dishwashing soap.  Set the dish on a porch or patio; mosquitoes flock to it and drop dead or fall into the water or on the floor within about 10’.   
• Mosquitoes are relatively weak fliers, so placing a large fan on your deck or patio can provide an effective low-tech solution.
• Check your door and window screens for holes and tears that mosquitoes can use to enter your home. Put 16 mesh screening or hardware cloth over bathroom and other vent outlets on your roof.
• Keep pools clean and chlorinated.
• Keep emergent vegetation to a minimum in ponds and streams.
• Keep ponds stocked with mosquito fish after consulting with local fish and game personnel to see if permits are needed. They are often available from your local mosquito control district. Steeply grade pond margins to prevent predators such as wading birds, raccoons, etc from eating the fish.
• Keep shrubbery and weeds trimmed - Even the smallest of containers that can collect water can breed hundreds to thousands of mosquitoes. They don't need much water to lay their eggs. (bottles, buckets, overturned garbage can lids, etc.)

- Repellents

Choose a mosquito repellent that has been registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and use properly. DEET, Picaridin and Oil of Lemon-Eucalyptus are proven to be the most effective. Use repellents only as directed on the label.  Registered products have been reviewed, approved, and pose minimal risk for human safety when used according to label directions. Three repellents that are approved and recommended are:
DEET (N,N¬diethyl¬m¬toluamide)
Picaridin (KBR 3023)
Oil of lemon eucalyptus (p¬methane 3,8¬diol, or PMD)
Always remember the 3 D s of protection from mosquitoes.

Here are some rules to follow when using repellents:

Read the directions on the label carefully before applying. Apply repellent sparingly, only to exposed skin (not on clothing).  Keep repellents away from eyes, nostrils and lips: do not inhale or ingest repellents or get them into the eyes.  The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that DEET ¬based repellents can be used on children as young as two months of age. Generally, the AAP recommends concentrations of 30% or less. Avoid applying repellents to portions of children's hands that are likely to have contact with eyes or mouth. Pregnant and nursing women should minimize use of repellents.  Never use repellents on wounds or irritated skin.  Use repellent sparingly and reapply as needed. Saturation does not increase efficacy.  Wash repellent-treated skin after coming indoors.  If a suspected reaction to insect repellents occurs, wash treated skin, and call a physician. Take the repellent container to the physician.